May 21st, 2021

Open Airways is a non-profit organization that seeks to help people with asthma and other breathing challenges. It providers aid such as free spacers, which improves the efficiency of inhalers for its users. But, perhaps most importantly, it loans, free of charge, much-needed oxygen concentrators for those who depend on them to breathe but can’t afford to buy one. In addition, Open Airways provides education for children and adults alike to help them better manage asthma.

The above is only a partial picture of the work Open Airways performs in our community. The complete list of their current initiatives and programs, taken from our website, are:

  • Education for Health Care Professionals
  • Island-wide School Asthma Education Program
  • Pillows for Prevention
  • Spacer Distribution Program
  • Lunch and Learn Workshops
  • Summer Camp Workshops
  • Health Fairs
  • Private Asthma & COPD Consultation
  • World Asthma & COPD Days
  • Smoking Cessation
  • Publish, print and distribute educational booklets, flyers and posters.


Overall, the charity aims to help “over 8,000 people in Bermuda,” who are affected breathing challenges, such as asthma.


